so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their sexual addiction. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. If you’re new to Twelve Step recovery and SAA, we encourage you to attend one of our meetings.
You’re looking for help, but you’re afraid there isn’t anyone out there who could possibly do what you’ve done, much less understand and accept you for who you are. Take a breath, and know that your first SAA meeting will be an experience of acceptance and understanding.
As you work up the courage and come through the door, you’ll see the faces of men and women who know your troubles: they’ve all been there too.
You will probably be asked by at least one person if this is your first meeting, and asked to introduce yourself to the group with just your first name. The leader of the meeting may then explain to you how that meeting will introduce you to the SAA 12 step program. Your first meeting will likely be an opportunity for you to listen to others’ stories, learn how the program works for them, and ask questions, or share as much or as little as you’re comfortable doing.
You WON’T be required to do anything — you never will be. SAA, as with most 12 step programs, participation is voluntary. Your recovery is your own, we’re here to help you, however you want it.
Dear Grace,
What is a sponsor? How do I get one? Why do I need one?
Signed: New Member
Dear New Member,
A sponsor is an SAA member who is willing to guide you through working the Twelve Steps. The sponsor’s role is simply to be an example of recovery in action and to support you in your journey of self-discovery.
It’s a good idea to choose someone to sponsor you who has worked the Twelve Steps of SAA with a sponsor of their own, and who has the kind of recovery you want. It is important to listen to the other people in your meeting share about their own experience, strength, and hope. By actively listening, you are not only supporting the other person, but are also supporting yourself. This listening tool will help you in choosing a sponsor.
You may also ask another member to help you find a sponsor, but the choice to ask someone is yours alone. As addicts, we have relied upon ourselves and have lived our lives afraid or unwilling to ask for help. Thus, asking someone to sponsor you may be uncomfortable – and that is okay.
Potential sponsors are often open about their recovery process and will talk to you about their sponsorship guidelines. Sponsors are volunteers who give from their heart and will support you as long as you are open, honest, and willing to work the Twelve Steps. Inviting someone to help you in your search for a life filled with love, joy, peace, and security is a great start to an unforgettable relationship and an amazing journey.
Once someone agrees to be your sponsor, together you will create an agreement as a foundation for your recovery process. This agreement will include availability, boundaries, education on addiction, and goal-setting. A sponsor is a volunteer and the sponsor/ sponsee relationship can be terminated at any time.
It is important to feel safe with the SAA member who agrees to be your sponsor. Your sponsor will be your recovery guide, helping you work the Twelve Steps of SAA. Your sponsor will give you as much time and support as they are available to give. Sponsors have their own sponsors and recovery program to help them on their own spiritual journey. Therefore, it is important that the sponsorship relationship needs to be respected by both the sponsor and sponsee.
Sponsors are not lifelines, parents, or potential romantic partners. Sponsors are simply guides who help sponsees work the Twelve Steps of SAA, so sponsees can discover how to live a spiritual life filled with hope, facing challenges and disappointments with serenity and support, and one day, thankfully giving back by sponsoring someone else.
For more information on sponsorship, there is a pamphlet called, “Getting a Sponsor” which can be found at meetings, read online by visiting saa-recovery. org, or ordered online or by calling the ISO of SAA.
In Service,
From: The Outer Circle Newsletter, Volume 13, Issue 5, November – December 2019
Please call or text us at
(236) 662 3758 (New Number as of 10.26.24) – no long distance in metro Vancouver area
I’m in need of help
I’m a man in need of help men(at)saavancouver(dot)org
I’m a woman in need of help women(at)saavancouver(dot)org
SAA Intergroup
PO BOX 4941, Stn. Terminal
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4A6
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